Valtir, LLC (formerly Trinity Highway Products) has been a leading supplier of highway and infrastructure hardware for over 40 years. In accordance with the “American Invents Act” of 2011 and amendments to 35 USC Section 287(a), the reader is hereby placed on notice of Valtir’s rights to the following patents.

To find a list of currently active product patents, please click on the appropriate product category listed below. This site is updated as the status of Valtir patents change. Please revisit this site periodically for the latest patent information.


Product Name Active Patents Country
CASS® 11,091,890 B2 USA
CASS® 7,686,535 B2 USA
CASS® 8,157,471 USA
CASS® 8,276,886 B2 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
CASS® Transition to Box Beam 7,988,133B1 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
CASS® Transition to Guardrail 7,686,535 USA


Product Name Active Patents Country
ADIEM 9,404,231 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
QuadGuard® M10 9,790,653 USA
QuadGuard® Elite M10 8,974,142 USA
QuadGuard® M10 8,469,626 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
Quest® 7,396,184 USA
Quest® 7,484,906 USA
Quest® 7,758,277 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
REACT® 10,006,179 USA
REACT® II 8,974,142 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
CENTRATM 11,970,826 B2
Product Name Active Patents Country
NOVUSTM 100 Patent Pending USA


Product Name Active Patents Country
SoftStop® 7,694,941 USA
SoftStop® 7,883,075 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
SRT Also covered by CRP Patents
Product Name Active Patents Country
TREND™ End Terminal 8,215,619 USA
TREND™ End Terminal 8,360,400 USA




Product Name Active Patents Country
Vulcan® Mover 8,109,692 USA
Vulcan® Mover 8,348,546 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
Vulcan® Gate 8,647,012 B2 USA


Product Name Active Patents Country
RubberTough® 360 7,849,617 USA
Sno-Post™ Boundary Marking System 9,238,922 USA
SQR-LOC™ Delineator 9,371,619 B2 USA
SQR-LOC™ Delineator 10,006,178 B2 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
SSG-200 Security Gate™ 7,950,870 USA
SSG-200 Security Gate™ 8,182,169 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
Product Name Active Patents Country
Guide Light™ 9,567,717 B2 USA


Product Name Active Patents Country
SafeStop 180 Also covered by SafeStop TMA Patents USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
SS180®M and SMT™ 9,399,845 USA
SS180®M 11,377,055 B2 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
SST® TRAILER TMA (Safe-Stop® Trailer) 7,874,572 USA
SST® TRAILER TMA (Safe-Stop® Trailer) 8,136,830 USA
SST® TRAILER TMA (Safe-Stop® Trailer) Also covered by SafeStop TMA Patents USA
SST® TRAILER TMA (Safe-Stop® Trailer) 8,388,012 USA
SST® TRAILER TMA (Safe-Stop® Trailer) 8,556,286 USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
SS90™HD All existing Safe-Stop TMA® patents apply USA
Product Name Active Patents Country
Vorteq® 8,074,761 USA
Vorteq® 8,464,825 USA


Product Name Active Patents Country
Pivot Unit for Barrier Devices 7,416,364 USA
SiteGuide™ 9,677,233 USA